Always be Efficient

This year I am going to focus on the word efficient. There are a few reasons I am going to focus on being efficient. Being efficient can make you feel more organized and get a lot more stuff done in a day. First of all, instead of spending hours on homework everyday, I try to complete all my homework before 7 pm. I will distance myself from any distractions causing me to slow down. For example, I will put my phone on Do Not Disturb, listen to calming music, and getting all the hard work done before I start on the easy work. I will also try to get as much class work done in class so I do not fall behind on anything. Paying close attention in class could also make me have a higher chance of passing tests.
Another example is to get everything ready before an important event occurs. I could pick out my clothes and supplies the night before school, so I don’t have to rush in the morning. To add in, whenever my family decides to go on a road trip, we should pack everything hours before we get in the car to limit the amount of time we spend trying to get everything and everyone in the car.
Finally, I plan to put an end to procrastination. It is way better to get your work done sooner rather than last minute. Procrastination can also lead to forgetting to do assignments. Not doing assignments will be marked as missing and will lower my grades, which I want to prevent from happening. I will set reminders for myself reminding me to do my work before the due date. I truly believe being efficient can make your life way easier.

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