Rad Reading – September

In September, I read the book Flirting with Fate by J.C Cervantes. Flirting with fate is a fictional book about a Mexican girl named Ava Granados who has to go through many challenges to get back a special blessing she had lost. Ava has a magical family where every female born into the family gets passed down a blessing. The blessings are like super powers. For example, Ava’s older sisters Carmen and Vivienne got super memory and the power of persuasion as their blessings. But there is a catch. The blessing can only be passed down when the previous female owner is on their death bed.  Unfortunately, Ava had an inconvenience with a random guy involving a small car crash on her way to her house. This prevented her from claiming her blessing from Nana (her grandmother). Nana sends out the blessing in the air and it ends up landing on the guy Ava had a car accident with. Because of this, Ava’s grandmother cannot Rest In Peace until she gets her blessing back. So, Ava has to find a way to get the blessing from the guy.
What my favorite part about this book was the fact that it included so many plot twists that you wouldn’t expect to happen. I also loved the character developments in the book. For example, Ava went from being stubborn to willing to do anything. My favorite character is Vivienne. Vivienne reminds me a lot of me since she’s the oldest sibling like me. I like how she always manages to calm Ava down when she’s stressing out about something. Vivienne is a very protective person. In the book, it says “ ‘You hit someone’s car?’ Viv said, switching into mama bear mode. ‘Was anyone hurt?’ ” after Ava explains to her what happened on the way over to their house. One of my favorite lines in the book is, “But maybe, just maybe, fate really did exist.” This line shows how Ava is starting to realize that fate does in fate exist.
I really recommend reading this book. It really makes you realize how fascinating miracles can be!

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